Kathy E. Kram

Kathy E. Kram is the R.C. Shipley Professor in Management, Emerita, at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University. Her primary interests include mentoring, peer coaching, developmental networks, the role of relationships in major career and life transitions, gender in leadership, and the transition to retirement. She is a founding member of the Center for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO). From 2002 to 2009 she served as a member of the Board of the Center for Creative Leadership(CCL). In addition to being the author of Mentoring at Work (1988), she is co-editor of The Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research and Practice (2007); co-editor of Extraordinary Leadership: Addressing the Gaps in Senior Executive Development (2010); co-author of Strategic Relationships at Work: Creating your Circle of Mentors, Sponsors and Peers for Success in Business and Life (2014); and co-author of Peer Coaching at Work: Principles and Practices (2017).
Kathy has published in a wide range of academic and practitioner journals in order to reach scholarly and practitioner audiences. In addition, she consults with individuals and organizations, and maintains an ongoing affiliation with the ICW Consulting Group. Her primary purpose is to structure opportunities to enhance relational learning through coaching and developmental networks. She received the Everett Hughes Distinguished Scholarship Award (2010) from the Academy of Management Careers Division, and the Marion F. Gislason Award for Leadership in Executive Development (2013), presented by the Boston University Executive Development Roundtable (EDRT). Since becoming an emerita professor, her vision is to stay healthy through rigorous exercise and healthy eating, spend lots of time with family and friends, travel with her husband, and be of service.