Marcy Crary

Marcy Crary is Professor Emerita in Management at Bentley University. Her teaching, writing, and research interests have revolved around diversity pedagogy, dynamics in cross-identity work relationships, and transitions in the “third phase” of life. At Bentley, she helped design and lead diversity and inclusion initiative for three decades. She has published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Human Relations, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Management of Education, and Academy of Management Learning and Education. She has benefitted from memberships in the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, the Academy of Management, and the Gestalt International Study Center, each of which provided wonderful communities and colleagues who shared passions about working to make the world a better place. In her own third phase of life, she hopes to be part of continued work on building people’s capacities to live and work well together. She also looks forward to sharing love and laughter with family, friends, and neighbors.