In the meantime, don't forget to pre-order your copy of Retiring: Creating a Life That Works for You today!
This is a word cloud: the larger the word, the more people gave that word association or a close synonym. (The colors are irrelevant.) Notice all the positives! Most of these people, who had retired between one and seven years previously, found retirement to be wonderful, a time for relaxation and fun, a new beginning in life. In the Introduction chapter of our book, we discuss these word associations and what might underlie them.
This is a word cloud: the larger the word, the more people gave that word association or a close synonym. (The colors are irrelevant.) Notice that many of these people are frightened of the uncertainty around retiring, see it as “far away,” or even view it as something they will “never” do. Others see it as a time of freedom and wonderful new possibilities. In the Introduction chapter of our book, we discuss these word associations and what might underlie them.
This is a word cloud: the larger the word, the more people gave that word association or a close synonym. (The colors are irrelevant.) Notice that, although many people early in their careers envisioned happiness, relaxation, and other good things in retirement, many others were consumed with money worries or saw retirement as synonymous with being old. In the Introduction chapter of our book, we discuss these word associations and what might underlie them.